Results for 'María Yazmina Lozano'

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  1.  80
    Educación emocional en la legislación educativa.María Yazmina Lozano & Sara Hernández Arroyo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-17.
    La educación emocional como tema de investigación tiene una amplia tradición con diferentes autores tanto a nivel internacional y nacional. Estos estudios afirman que la educación integral del alumnado requiere la inclusión de aspectos de carácter tanto cognitivo como de aquellos que involucran habilidades relacionadas con el autocontrol, el autoconocimiento, o la colaboración con los demás, entre otros. En las próximas líneas se plantea el análisis de la legislación educativa de los Reales Decretos de enseñanzas mínimas redactados a partir de (...)
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    Presentación del número especial.María Angélica Fierro & Andrea Lozano Vásquez - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (2):9-14.
    El presente número especial de Circe reúne trabajos inspirados en exposiciones realizadas en el “III Workshop Internacional de Filosofía Antigua” en el marco del PIP “La concepción de philosophía en Platón y sus desarrollos en el pensamiento helenístico”, Instituto de Filosofía dirigido por la Dra. María Angélica Fierro.
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    Cerebral versus Ocular Visual Impairment: The Impact on Developmental Neuroplasticity.Maria B. C. Martín, Alejandro Santos-Lozano, Juan Martín-Hernández, Alberto López-Miguel, Miguel Maldonado, Carlos Baladrón, Corinna M. Bauer & Lotfi B. Merabet - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Transmodernidad: Método para un proyecto político decolonial. De Enrique Dussel a Santiago Castro-Gómez.Luz María Lozano Suárez - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:322-350.
    RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar cómo es subsumido el sentido de lo transmoderno por el filósofo colombiano Santiago Castro-Gómez para proponer una política emancipatoria. La transmodernidad es un proyecto decolonial planteado por Enrique Dussel en 1994. La modernidad, definida como mito sacrificial -eurocéntrica, colonizadora y capitalista- sería superada desde el momento en que se pueda afirmar la alteridad de las culturas universales -analéctica-. Tal proyecto de la Filosofía de la Liberación se puede concebir como un método que (...)
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  5. La crisis del Estado.María del Carmen Núñez Lozano - 2009 - In Jesús de Garay Jacinto Choza (ed.), Estado, Derecho y Religión en Oriente y Occidente. Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    Experiencia de los miembros de la comunidad en los comités de ética en investigación en Colombia.Elena Rey Lozano, Gilberto Alfonso Gamboa Bernal & María de los Ángeles Mazzanti Di Ruggiero - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):369-390.
    Research Ethics Committees have the responsibility to protect the participants involved in researches and to guarantee the ethical behavior of researchers. In some institutions, such committees also review scientific projects of non-pharmaceutical areas, Public Health and Health Economics. Within this framework, the article analyzes what it means to be part of a Research Ethics Committee in a hospital or university based on personal experience as a community representative. By means of the convenience sampling technique, implemented in four Colombian cities that (...)
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    The Itinerant Museum of Memory and Identity of the Montes de María (MIM): El Mochuelo as a Heterotopic Space.Sara Alarcón, Luz María Lozano & Italia Samudio - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 40:189-215.
    RESUMEN El concepto heterotopía, definido por Michel Foucault como espacio otro, es retomado en este artículo, desde un enfoque crítico, para analizar los procesos de construcción, gestión y puesta en marcha del Museo Itinerante de la Memoria y la Identidad de Los Montes de María, El Mochuelo. Bajo la premisa de que el desarrollo de los procesos de memorialización debe atenderse más allá del cumplimiento normativo por parte del Estado, puesto que estas prácticas de memoria territoriales en El Mochuelo (...)
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  8.  21
    La evaluación del impacto de los resultados científicos. Metodologías y niveles de análisis.Jorge Lozano Casanova, Rita María Saavedra Roche & Neyda Fernández Franch - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1):99-117.
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    La conjetura de Poincaré. Un problema de topología.María Teresa Lozano Imízcoz - 2004 - Arbor 178 (704):691-707.
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    Responsible Leaders for Inclusive Globalization: Cases in Nicaragua and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [REVIEW]Josep F. Mària & Josep M. Lozano - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (S1):93 - 111.
    The current globalization process excludes a significant part of humanity, but organizations can contribute to a more inclusive form by means of dialogue with other organizations to create economic and social value. This article explores the main leadership traits (visions, roles and virtues) necessary for this dialogue. This exploration consists of a comparison between two theoretical approaches and their illustration with two cases. The theoretical approaches compared are Responsible Leadership, a management theory focused on the contribution of business leaders to (...)
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  11.  72
    Exploring the Nature of the Relationship Between CSR and Competitiveness.Marc Vilanova, Josep Maria Lozano & Daniel Arenas - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (S1):57-69.
    This paper explores the nature of the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and competitiveness. We start with the commonly held view that firm competitiveness is defined by the market. That is, the question of what are the critical competitiveness factors is answered by looking at how companies and financial analysts describe and evaluate a firm. To analyze this, we review the current state of the art on the relationship between CSR and competitiveness. Second, CSR criteria used by financial analysts (...)
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  12.  26
    Reparación psicosocial de las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia y gubernamentalidad neoliberal.Luz María Lozano Suárez & María Helena Restrepo-Espinosa - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):11-37.
    La reparación de víctimas en Colombia ha tomado cada vez más importancia no solo en el ámbito jurídico-político, sino también en el económico, siendo este último el que hace posible gobernar a las víctimas. Con el fin de develar las tecnologías de gobierno desarrolladas alrededor del sujeto-víctima, este artículo analiza a la víctima no sólo como sujeto de derecho sino también como sujeto económico, permitiendo así, la tasación del valor de la vida misma. Para ello, se han tomado como referentes (...)
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  13. Anna longoni.Sandra Cavicchioli Bianchi, Maria Lacalle, Helena Lozano, Claudia Miranda & Maria Pia Pozzato - 1993 - Semiotica 95:193.
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  14. The Complexity of H-wave Amplitude Fluctuations and Their Bilateral Cross-Covariance Are Modified According to the Previous Fitness History of Young Subjects under Track Training.Maria E. Ceballos-Villegas, Juan J. Saldaña Mena, Ana L. Gutierrez Lozano, Francisco J. Sepúlveda-Cañamar, Nayeli Huidobro, Elias Manjarrez & Joel Lomeli - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:285728.
    The Hoffmann reflex (H-wave) is produced by alpha-motoneuron activation in the spinal cord. A feature of this electromyography response is that it exhibits fluctuations in amplitude even during repetitive stimulation with the same intensity of current. We herein explore the hypothesis that physical training induces plastic changes in the motor system. Such changes are evaluated with the fractal dimension (FD) analysis of the H-wave amplitude-fluctuations (H-wave FD) and the cross-covariance (CCV) between the bilateral H-wave amplitudes. The aim of this study (...)
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    Más allá de la Economía Ecológica, la construcción de nichos de sostenibilidad.Pedro Medellín-Milán, José Antonio Avalos-Lozano & Luz María Nieto-Caraveo - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    A partir del análisis del ambientalismo desde las perspectivas que brindan diferentes discursos sobre desarrollo sostenible, los autores argumentan que, en un nivel de aplicación local, en comunidades y proyectos específicos, se pueden generar nichos de sostenibilidad, pese a que reconocen la extrema dificultad de este desafío; comparan viejas y nuevas propuestas para alcanzar la sostenibilidad, tales como: el desarrollo sostenible, el capitalismo natural, el decrecimiento sostenible o el ecologismo de los pobres. Por último, presentan dos casos con particularidades diferentes, (...)
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  16.  20
    The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants (vol 33, pg 197, 2007).Calixto Machado, Julius Kerein, Yazmina Ferrer, Liana Portela & Maria de la C. Garcia - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):369-369.
    Although it is commonly believed that the concept of brain death was developed to benefit organ transplants, it evolved independently. Transplantation owed its development to advances in surgery and immunosuppressive treatment; BD owed its origin to the development of intensive care. The first autotransplant was achieved in the early 1900s, when studies of increased intracranial pressure causing respiratory arrest with preserved heartbeat were reported. Between 1902 and 1950, the BD concept was supported by the discovery of EEG, Crile’s definition of (...)
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  17.  10
    José María Torralba, Una educación liberal : elogio de los grandes libros : [reseña].Carlos Gutiérrez Lozano - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (142):192.
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  18.  18
    The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants.Calixto Machado, Julius Kerein, Yazmina Ferrer, Liana Portela & Maria García - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):197-200.
    Although it is commonly believed that the concept of brain death was developed to benefit organ transplants, it evolved independently. Transplantation owed its development to advances in surgery and immunosuppressive treatment; BD owed its origin to the development of intensive care. The first autotransplant was achieved in the early 1900s, when studies of increased intracranial pressure causing respiratory arrest with preserved heartbeat were reported. Between 1902 and 1950, the BD concept was supported by the discovery of EEG, Crile’s definition of (...)
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    Predicting Job Satisfaction in Military Organizations: Unpacking the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork Communication, and Job Attitudes in Spanish Military Cadets.Inmaculada Valor-Segura, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Natalio Extremera, Luis M. Lozano, Carlos García-Guiu, María Isabel Roldán-Bravo & Antonia Ruiz-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20.  13
    Exploring Changes in Event-Related Potentials After a Feasibility Trial of Inhibitory Training for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder.Rayane Chami, Janet Treasure, Valentina Cardi, María Lozano-Madrid, Katharina Naomi Eichin, Grainne McLoughlin & Jens Blechert - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. A Serious Game to Improve Emotion Regulation in Treatment-Seeking Individuals With Gambling Disorder: A Usability Study.Teresa Mena-Moreno, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Lucero Munguía, Trevor Steward, Hibai López-González, Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez, María Lozano-Madrid, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Laura Moragas, Isabelle Giroux, Marie Grall-Bronnec, Anne Sauvaget, Bernat Mora-Maltas, Eduardo Valenciano-Mendoza, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Serious games have shown positive results in increasing motivation, adherence to treatment and strengthening the therapeutic alliance in multiple psychiatric disorders. In particular, patients with impulse control disorders and other disorders in which the patient suffers from inhibitory control deficits have been shown to benefit from serious games.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and to evaluate the usability of a new serious videogame, e-Estesia. This serious videogame was designed to improve emotion regulation in patients (...)
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  22.  80
    Functional and Prognostic Assessment in Comatose Patients: A Study Using Somatosensory Evoked Potentials.Andrea Victoria Arciniegas-Villanueva, Eva María Fernández-Diaz, Emilio Gonzalez-Garcìa, Javier Sancho-Pelluz, David Mansilla-Lozano & Tomás Segura - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    AimThe functional prognosis of patients after coma following either cardiac arrest or acute structural brain injury is often uncertain. These patients are associated with high mortality and disability. N20 and N70 somatosensory evoked potentials are used to predict prognosis. We evaluated the utility of SSEP as an early indicator of long-term prognosis in these patients.MethodsThis was a retrospective cohort study of patients admitted to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of coma after CA or ABI. An SSEP study was (...)
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    RESEÑA de: Rocco Lozano, Valerio. La vieja Roma en el joven Hegel. Madrid : Maia, 2011.María Luciana Cadahia - 2013 - Endoxa 31:394.
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    Reseña: Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea (comp.) Platón y la irracionalidad, Bogotá, Ediciones Uniandes, 2012.María Luz Omar - 2014 - Tópicos 27:87-92.
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    Medical Responsibility in the Colombian Context: A Review of Negligence from the Legal Framework and Ethical Perspective. [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Aponte García, Ana María Lozano Hurtado, Leidy Johana Arcila Montoya, Luis Carlos Muñoz González & Maria Del Pilar Garcia Valdes - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1884-1897.
    This article explores medical responsibility and negligence from an ethical and legal perspective within the Colombian context. It highlights causes of negligence such as deficiencies in professional training and organizational problems. The article emphasizes "objective imputation as key to determining the criminal responsibility of the physician" (Alvarado D. 2019). The objectives include analyzing the current legal framework in Colombia and assessing the link between medical ethics and legal responsibility. The methodology builds upon a thorough examination of specialized literature, including peer-reviewed (...)
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  26.  65
    Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea y Meléndez, Germán, comps. Convertir la vida en arte: una introducción histórica a la filosofía como forma de vida.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):373.
    Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea y Meléndez, Germán, comps. Convertir la vida en arte: una introducción histórica a la filosofía como forma de vida. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016. 389 pp.
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    Mechanical and Structural Artefacts Used in “The Mystery of Elche”.A. Navarro-Arcas, S. M. Marco Lozano & Emilio Velasco-Sánchez - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):157-183.
    In the city of Elche, every year, on the 14th and 15th of August, a sacred musical play about the death, the Assumption and the Coronation of the Virgin Mary is held. This event, known as the “Misterio de Elche”, is unique in the world. Since the middle of the 15th century it has been performed in the Basilica of Santa Maria and in the streets of the ancient city of Elche, located in the Valencian Community. In this work, classified (...)
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    Otra mirada a la filosofía de la acción en Paul Ricoeur. Su recepción en españa. Nota sobre la tesis doctoral de D. francisco José García Lozano, hermenéutica Y reconocimiento. La filosofía de la acción en Paul Ricoeur Y su recepción en el pensamiento español. [REVIEW]María Del Carmen Lara - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:349.
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    La aportación de José Jiménez Lozano al nacimiento de Las Edades del Hombre.María Merino Bobillo - 2015 - Arbor 191 (772):a225.
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    Fernanda Gil Lozano, Valeria Silvia pita et María Gabriela ini (dir.), Historia de las mujeres en la argentina, buenos aires, taurus, 2000, 2 vol. [REVIEW]Geneviève Verdo - 2004 - Clio 20:24-24.
    Après le succès de l’Histoire des Femmes en Occident, publiée à Buenos Aires en 1993, ces deux volumes présentent une synthèse des travaux sur l’histoire des femmes et du genre développés en Argentine au cours des années 1990. Les 25 contributions abordent des thématiques diverses, allant du XVIIe au XXe siècle, organisées en trois rubriques. La première d’entre elles, « Enfermements et sujétions », analyse la place et la situation des femmes dans divers contextes, en les rapportant systémati...
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    Adam Smith’s Reconstruction of Practical Reason.Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):81-116.
    IN THE LAST PART of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith puts his theory in a class with those of his contemporaries Francis Hutcheson and David Hume, namely, the systems that make sentiments the principle of approbation. Despite recognizing important differences with both of them, he thinks that since he has placed the origin of moral sentiments in sympathy, and in particular the fact that we are able to enter into the motives of the agent and get pleasure from (...)
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  32.  8
    Gli inizi della filosofia, in Grecia.Maria Michela Sassi - 2009 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
  33.  21
    Leibniz: A Very Short Introduction.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2016 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a man of extraordinary intellectual creativity who lived an exceptionally rich and varied intellectual life in troubled times. More than anything else, he was a man who wanted to improve the life of his fellow human beings through the advancement of all the sciences and the establishment of a stable and just political order. In this Very Short Introduction Maria Rosa Antognazza outlines the central features of Leibniz's philosophy in the context of his overarching intellectual vision (...)
  34.  18
    Dos versiones de realismo en torno a Wittgenstein.María Sol Yuan - 2018 - Tópicos 35:120-139.
    El presente trabajo gira en torno a dos lecturas realistas del "segundo Wittgenstein", una de carácter no metafísico surgida en The Realistic Spirit de Cora Diamond y otra lectura "realista metafísica", presentada a partir de la interpretación de H. Mounce en "Wittgenstein and Classical Realism". A partir de la confrontación de ambas posiciones, el hilo de lectura crítica que conducirá nuestro trabajo será que no podemos sostener ninguna posición realista "metafísica" en relación con las tesis del segundo Wittgenstein. El trasfondo (...)
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    Psychological Health Conditions and COVID-19-Related Stressors Among University Students: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Survey.Maria Clelia Zurlo, Maria Francesca Cattaneo Della Volta & Federica Vallone - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic has broadly impacted university students’ customary life, resulting in remarkable levels of stress and psychological suffering. Although the acute phase of the crisis has been overcome, it does not imply that perceived stress related to the risk of contagion and to the changes in the relational life experienced over more than 1 year of the pandemic will promptly and abruptly decrease. This study aims at comparing university students’ psychological health conditions before and during the COVID-19 (...)
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    La percepción en Plotino. Contemplación de solas formas.María-Jesús Hermoso - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (3).
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    Reseña de "Hannah Arendt e os limites do Novo" de Maria Aparecida Abreu.Simone Maria Magalhaes - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (31):125-126.
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  38. Estimulación lingúistica a través de un programa educativo no formal.María Olivia Herrera, Ana María Pandolfi & María Elena Mathiesen - 1993 - Paideia 18:81-99.
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    Educazione alla sapientia in Seneca.Maria Bellincioni - 1978 - Brescia: Paideia.
  40.  9
    Word-Formation and Creolisation: The Case of Early Sranan.Maria Braun - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    This book explores a relatively little investigated area of creole languages, word-formation. It provides the most comprehensive account so far of the word-formation patterns of an English-based creole language, Sranan, as found in its earliest sources, and compares them with the patterns attested in the input languages. One of the few studies of creole morphology based on historical data, the book discusses the theoretical problems arising with the historical analysis of creole word-formation and provides an analysis along the lines of (...)
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    A fragment of eratosthenes, on old comedy.Maria Broggiato - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):451-453.
    Phot. Lex. ε 100 Theodoridis: ἔγχουσαν οἱ Ἀττικοὶ λέγουσι τὴν ῥίζαν, οὐ δὴ ἄγχουσαν, ἣν ἀπείρως Ἐρατοσθένης φυκίον. Ἀμειψίας Ἀποκοτταβίζουσι· ‘δυοῖν ὀβολοῖν ἔγχουσα καὶ ψιμύθιον’.Phot. Lex. ε 100 Theodoridis: The Attic writers call the root enchusa, not anchusa, which Eratosthenes out of ignorance a seaweed. Ameipsias in the Cottabus-Players : ‘alkanet and white lead at the price of two obols’.
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    Prácticas lingüísticas, configuración de sentidos y subjetividad.María Elena Candioti - 2006 - Tópicos 14:151-169.
    Se analiza los que se ha considerado un "descentramiento" del sujeto a partir de la crítica a la racionalidad tal como la concibió la modernidad. Se considera especialmente el impacto del giro lingüístico, sus aportes y también sus consecuencias negativas. Se realiza un análisis crítico de las posiciones contextualistas, sus consecuencias escépticas y las derivaciones en el orden de la acción. Se plantea finalmente el tema del sujeto y sus posibilidades, destacando especialmente su capacidad para configurar nuevos sentidos y crear (...)
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    The essential role of nurses in supporting physical examination in telemedicine: Insights from an interaction analysis of postsurgical consultations in orthopedics.Maria Cherba, Sylvie Grosjean, Luc Bonneville, Isaac Nahon-Serfaty, Judith Boileau & Richard Waldolf - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (2):e12452.
    Telemedicine changes clinical practice and introduces new ways of distributing tasks between physicians and nurses, and particularly the delegation of sensory assessments during remote physical examinations. As nurses become more involved in patient assessment and clinical decision‐making, the quality of physician–nurse collaboration has been recognized as essential to ensure quality patient care. However, few studies have examined physician–nurse interactions during teleconsultations. This article presents the results of an empirical study of nurse–physician communication during remote physical examinations. In partnership with a (...)
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    Moses Gaster, Friedrich Horn and the Background to the Settlement of Samarin.Maria Cioată - 2016 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92 (1):27-51.
    This article presents a forgotten manuscript of a personal account of one of the first Jewish settlers who departed from Romania to Palestine in 1882 and helped found the colony of Samarin, which was later taken over by Baron de Rothschild and renamed Zichron Yaakov. Friedrich Horn, a schoolmaster with Austrian nationality who had settled in Romania fifteen years before his departure to Palestine, gave the manuscript of his unfinished work Nationaltraum der Juden to Moses Gaster. Gaster kept it among (...)
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    Beyond consolidation: Democracy and dictatorship in post‐transitional Latin America.María Victoria Crespo - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):401-415.
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    A concepção de ética no utilitarismo de John Stuart Mill.Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias - 2014 - Discurso 44:235-260.
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    The Semiotics of Scientific Image.Maria Giulia Dondero - 2009 - American Journal of Semiotics 25 (3-4):1-19.
    This study will mainly investigate a semiotic theory of the production and functions of visualisation and image in scientific literature, especially concerningobservational astrophysics, as well as theoretical physics, and will also mention the physiology of movement dealing with chronophotography.
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    La palabra y su universo de sentido.Maria Espar - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 14 (8).
    Objeto o sujeto de derechos Nature: Object or subject of rights Cartay, Belkis Acerca de la racionalidad científica: Feyerabend y los límites de la argumentación Scientific rationality, Feyerabend and the limits of the argument Castrejón, Gilberto El embrión es vida humana The embryo is human life Chacín, Ronald Ética y política: Las consecuencias prácticas de la modernización en la óptica de una acción comunicativa Ethics and politics: Practical consequences of modernization from the viewpoint of a comunicative act De La Vega, (...)
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    A Metáfora Crítica, de João Alexandre Barbosa.Maria Lucia Del Farra - 1975 - Discurso 5 (6):61-72.
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    Why public participation in risk regulation? The case of authorizing GMO products in the European Union.Maria Paola Ferretti - 2007 - Science as Culture 16 (4).
    In recent years there has been renewed interest in the participation of lay people in regulatory procedures. The debate peaked in the 1980s with the anti-nuclear movements and again more recently as a reaction to the food scandals of the mid-1990s. In the wake of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis there has been a proliferation of European Community rules on the production, processing and retailing of food products, along with the multiplication of scientific committees in order to cope with (...)
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